
Friday, July 4, 2014


by JR Smith
Copyright © by Joanne Smith
Penrose Publishing
First edition May 2014 | 316 p (paperback) | 270 p (e-book)
ISBN 978-1-909879-15-7 (English PDF)
Rate : 4 of 5
~ Conclusion in Bahasa at the bottom post ~
[ This review made as a request of Penrose Publishing ]
Two families. Two country. And two child. Separated from a long time and distance, stranger to each other, then tragedy  struck, makes them reunited without knowing its purpose ... until everything, almost to late to avoid death and evil-doing.
In United States, there is Lairdon Family, dr. Jeffrey Lairdon and his wife Angeline ‘Angel’ Lairdon, famous children’s book writer, has been bleesed with two children of their own when Thomas enter their life. Found abandoned in bad shape seven years ago, this two years old boy are malnourished and suffering from a malady that unknown for the scientist. Through passion and loving care, finally his condition getting a lot better, then suddenly his condition withdrawn into critical condition. No one know or find the answers the cause of Thomas’s nervous system slowly closing itself down.

When doctor Lairdon spent his entire time, searching another method to cure Thomas, and still busy with all his duty to San Delphino Hospital, Alexander Lairdon – the eldest of two birth-child of Jeffrey and Angeline, who working as journalist got news that gave them new hope. There is another child who has the same sympthom like Thomas, and this little girl already treating in the hospital in New Zealand. Alexander went straight to NZ to find some answer for his little brother. Then finally he meet  Amberleigh Pearson – daughter of James and Sonia Pearson who adapted Tamsin Rose in early age two when she foud in such worse condition.

Amberleigh who studies in child psychology at her hometown in Whangarei, New Zealand, are the guardian of her little sister, ever since tragic accident takes both her parents a year ago. Now when Tamsin get sicker and sicker, to find some answer she agree to makes contact and communication with Lairdon Family. But before all plan and mission to save both children, there is few incidents that worries Amberleigh and Alexander. From the miracle-things happen when finally Thomas meet Tamsin, two child, boy and girl at the same age, and strangely have the same figure, same looks, just like they are twins.

A closer feeling and relationship between Alexander and Amberleight too. Everyone seems so happy and enjoying themself. The Lairdon and Pearson gather into one new family ... almost, when sudden strike ripe-off the happiness of them. A house breaking and kidnapping both Thomas and Tamsin, killing the security guard and makes Amberleight fall into coma ‘coz her fatal injure in those incident. The questions rapidly arise, what’s the connection between Thomas and Tamsin history past with secret experiment done by extrem organization years ago, and why all secret agent from CIA too FBI are involve deep in this case ?

By opening chapter I pressume this is somekind sci-fi drama, involving cloning or similar experiment. But then by half of this story, my attention goes into conflict and mystery surrounding whereabout Thomas and Tamsin’s character. And still there is several surprises reveal until the end (who also quite shocking for me). If this is the first novel written by the author, well I must say is really good. Despite several ‘leaping’ and ‘gapping’ along the line, the idea itself, conflict and complexities building around them are good. One thing for sure, the author really have so many imagination puts into this story ... and I don’t mind at all.

My favorite part is when Tamsin and Thomas appear again after the abduction. The intensity, the gruesome action on the rescue mission, and the psychological approach in the matter of both children back into civilatations really gripping. I just hope there is more about this side of story, as if the author taking more deep to reveal emotional part of each characters, as equal as all thrilling action scenery or even the ‘supranatural-thingy’ of this part ... luckyly, this supranatural theme is still quite acceptable puts into the story, although for me, is not necessary bring-up, just stick-on the thriller-suspense with sci-fi twist already make a good story.  

Sneak-Peek in Bahasa :
Sebuah kisah yang cukup unik, karena memadukan drama keluarga dengan aksi petualangan yang seru, plus sedikit ‘twist’ dengan masuknya unsur sci-fi dan fantasy supranatural. Diawali dengan adegan ala Maximum Ride, dimana sekumpulan anak-anak sedang bermain, namun jika disimak lebih dekat, ada keanehan pada tingkah laku mereka yang terlalu tenang, terorganisasi dan adanya penjaga di setiap sudut taman bermain. Menyusul dengan ‘menghilangnya’ seorang bocah kala bel tanda untuk anak-anak tersebut memasuki ruangan masing-masing (mirip penjara dengan penghuni berupa anak-anak).

Kisah bergulir dengan cepat, kala beberapa tahun kemudian dua keluarga yang asing satu sama lain, berada di lokasi yang berjauhan, bertemu akibat satu persamaan : dua orang bocah yang menderita penyakit serupa, penyakit yang tak mampu dideteksi bahkan oleh para dokter serta ilmuwan terpandai saat itu. Thomas Lairdon dari Amerika dan Tamsin Pearson dari New Zealand, ternyata memiliki hubungan unik serta kemampuan tersembunyi yang bisa dikatakan nyaris supranatural. Kemiripan fisik dan wajah mereka hingga bisa dikatakan sebagai sepasang anak kembar.

Bahkan riwayat masa lalu mereka sebagai anak terlantar yang diadopsi oleh keluarga masing-masing, membawa perjalanan panjang pengungkapan sebuah eksperimen yang dilakukan oleh organisasi rahasia beberapa tahun silam. Ketegangan dan konflik serta misteri yang menyelubungi kisah ini cukup intense, dan sebagai karya perdana sang penulis, terlepas dari beberapa ‘kekurangan’ pada detil serta jalinan hubungan antar karakter, harus kuakui ide dan kreatifitas penulis layak mendapat pujian khusus. Satu-satunya kejanggalan dan berkesan dipaksakan, masuknya unsur supranatural ala X-Files dalam kisah ini. Overall is a good and interesting reading experience for me (^_^)

[ more about the auntor & related works, just check at here : JR Smith ]

~ This Post are include in 2014 Reading Challenge ~
41th Book in What’s A Name Challenge
53th Book in Finding New Author Challenge
142th Book in TBRR Pile

Best Regards,

Hobby Buku

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