
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hotter Potter January Meme

Melisa from Surgabukuku are hosting HOTTER POTTER EVENT from January - July 2013, and between RC there's Monthly Meme with different themes and different Prizes from Sponsor, and for month of January the challenge is : "If you can be  the teacher on Hogwarts, which charaters you'll choose and give your creative reasons"

My answers will be : Profesor Dumbledore, why ? The reason is quite simply, if I become Profesor Dumbledore, then I can hired Profesor AS Dewi as the apprentice of Professor Cutbert Binns. She is the perfect candidate for teaching History that so boring and makes everyone in class sleeping all the times. I believe that she can makes History more atractive, hillarious, funny, and cannot be forgetten by the students. 'Coz history are the most important in human life, each of a person are value by what's done in their history, and after they die, history also the only memory that keeps them living inside family and close friend. And as soon the BBI School will open, there should be a teacher or mentor that can share about history of books and booklovers. What better way to start than becoming an apprentice in Hogwart before she send to the real world (^_^)

Note : this decision are based on the a letter of applicaton, that send by AS Dewi, it's moves me to grant her wishes immediatly, as soon this blog post are release. Consider it's as an act of de facto situations, we need more laughter these days, but still can learn something from it too.

Best Regards,
* Hobby Buku * 

1 comment:

  1. Wahahaha jadi pengen jadi Dumbledore supaya bisa masukin mbak Dewi jadi guru sejarah sihir toh? Dan kemudian Hogwarts dipenuhi dengan anak-anak BBI... :D
    Btw makasih partisipasinya mbak


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