Title : “IGNITE ME”
book 3 of SHATTER ME Trilogy ]
Copyright © 2014 by
Tahereh Mafi
Cover art © 2014 by Colin
Cover art inspired by a
photograph by Sharee Davenport
Cover design by Cara E.
Published by HarperCollins
Children’s Books | a division of HarperCollins Publishers (www.epicreads.com)
First edition in paperback
2014 | 412 p | ISBN 978-0-06-231878-7
Rate : 4.5 of 5
~ Conclusion in Bahasa
Indonesia at the bottom post ~
Juliette Ferrars still alive
!! She survive from the near-death experiences, having shot by Anderson right
on her heart. And she cannot believe that her life will eternally in debt to
one person that should be mutual enemy of her and her friends. Yep, Warner save
Juliette with the help of the healer twins, Sonya and Sara. When she finally
wake-up, the relief of being alive (again) changes rapidly into devastation.
‘Coz the war is over. The Reestablishment winning and destroy all the remaining
rebels by bomming Omega Point. According to Warner, there is no survivor. They
all dead or captured and tortured until death too. The world are colliding,
Juliette can not imagine live without Adam, Kenji, James, Castle, Brendan and
Winston ... all her friends, the only family she ever close and care enough.
Now she must living ‘in-dark’ under Warner protection, since everyone thinks
she already dead. But Juliette realize something – she did not want to live in
fear constantly, hiding in the dark, trapped in the room like prisoner – like
the life she spent in assylum. So she decided a new purpose in her live : she
will get-up to destroy The Reestablishment and take revenge on the person who
responsible of the death so many innocent people, mostly all her friends !